Opera Obsessive

A place where the world of Opera is analysed, discussed and applauded -- and where discussion leads to understanding.

Saturday, July 29, 2006




"Music is able to influence the attitude of the soul."
- Aristotle

All these composers - and many more - contributed to the attitude of our soul; they made us
cry and laugh, they made us think, they made us feel what music is able to do.

We shall always have their works and their special gift in our hearts.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Rossini's Barber of Seville - Rosina

"Io sono docile, son rispettosa, sono obbediente, dolce, amorosa. Mi lascio
reggere, mi lascio reggere, mi fo guidar, mi fo guidar. Ma se mi toccano dov'è
il mio debole, sarò und vipera, sarò, e cento trappole prima di cedere, farò
giocar, farò giocar."
"I am docile, I am respectful, I am obedient, sweet and loving. I can be ruled, I
can be guided, but if I am touched where I am weak, I will be a viper, and a
hundred tricks I shall play, before they have their way."
copyright Image Imogen Crest 2006.