Opera Obsessive

A place where the world of Opera is analysed, discussed and applauded -- and where discussion leads to understanding.

Friday, June 09, 2006


by Giaccomo Puccini

Gli enigmi sono tre, la morte è una...
The riddles are three, death is one...
Gli enigmi sono tre, una è la vita!
The riddles are three, one is life!

Conosco il nome dello straniero! Il suo nome è ... Amor!
I know the name of the stranger! His name is ... Love!

from Turandot by Friedrich von Schiller

Kalaf: Du? Du hinderst meinen Tod?
You? You save me from death?
Ist das dein Mitleid, dass ich leben soll,
Is that your pity, that I shall live?
Ein Leben ohne Hoffnung, ohne Liebe?
A live without hope, without love?
Meiner Verzeweiflung denkst du zu gebieten?
You think you can rule over my despair?
- Hier endet deine Macht. Du kannst mich töten,
- Here your power ends. You kann kill me,
Doch mich zum Leben zwingen kannst du nicht.
But you cannot force me to live.
Turandot: Lebt, Kalaf! Leben sollt Ihr - und für mich!
Live, Kalaf! You shall live - and for me!
Ich bin besiegt. Ich will mein Herz nicht mehr
- ...
I am conquered. I don't want to hide my heart any longer...