Opera Obsessive

A place where the world of Opera is analysed, discussed and applauded -- and where discussion leads to understanding.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Comme un rayon vermeil...

Charles Gounod

R o m é o e t J u l i e t t e

Comme un rayon vermeil brille en un ciel
Juliette parut, et Roméo l'aima.
Et tous deux, oubliant le nom qui les
Un même amour les enfalamma.
Sort funeste! Aveugle colères!
Ces malheureux amants payèrent de leurs
La fin des haines séculaires
Qui virent naître leurs amours.


Like a rosy ray glearming in a stormy sky,
Juliet appeared, and Romeo loved her.
And both of them, forgetting the name that
outraged them,
were fired by a selfsame love.
Fatal destiny! Blind hatred!
These star-crossed overs paid with their
for the ending of the century-old hatreds
that witnessed the birth of their love.


(picture showing Roberto Alagna and Angela Gheorghiu as Roméo et Juliette; I claim non of these contents for myself)


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