Opera Obsessive

A place where the world of Opera is analysed, discussed and applauded -- and where discussion leads to understanding.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Impressions from Tosca

by Giacomo Puccini

A film by Benoit Jacquot

Church of Sant' Andrea

Mario Cavaradossi...
... Roberto Alagna

Floria Tosca...
... Angela Gheorghiu

Whether or not to kiss before praying...

Ruggero Raimondi

Mario has been tortured...

Vissi d'Arte

Vissi d'arte, vissi d'amore
-- I lived for art, I lived for love;
non feci mai male ad anima viva!
-- Never did I harm a living creature!...
Con man furtiva
-- I sought with secret hand to succour...
quante miserie conobbi, aiutai
-- Whatever misfortunes I encountered
Sempre con fe sincera,
-- Ever in pure faith,
la mia preghiera
-- my prayers rose
ai santi tabernacoli sali.
-- in the holy chapels.
Sempre con fe sincera
-- Ever in pure faith,
diedi fiori agli altar.
-- I brought flowers to the altars.
Nell'ora del doloer perchè
-- in this hour of pain. Why,
perchè, Signore, perchè,
-- why, oh Lord, why,
me ne rimuneri cosi?
-- dost Thou repay me thus?
Diedi gioielli
-- Jewels I brought
della Madonna al manto,
-- for the Madonna's mantle,
e diedi il canto agli astri,
-- and songs for the stars in heaven
al ciel, che ne ridean piu belli.
-- that they shone forth with greater radiance.
Nell'ora del dolore, perchè,
-- In this hour of distress. Why,
perchè, Signore,
-- why, oh Lord,
perchè me ne rimuneri cosi?
-- why dost Thou repay me thus?

That was Tosca's kiss...

E lucevan le Stelle

E lucevan le stelle ed olezzava la terra,
-- And the stars shoned and the earth was perfumed...
Stridea l'uscio dell'orto,
-- The gate to the garden creaked...
E un passo sfiorava la rena
-- And a footstep rustled, anouncing the queen
Entrava ella, fragrante,
-- Frangranted she entered
mi cadea fra le braccia
-- and fell into my arms...

Oh, dolci baci, o languide carezze,

-- Oh soft kisses, oh sweet abandon,
mentr'io fremente
-- as I trembling
le belle forme disciogliea dai veli!
-- unloosed her veils and disclosed her beauty.
Svani per sempre il sogno mio d'amore
-- Oh vanished forever is that dream of love,
L'ora e fuggita
-- fled is that hour,
E muoio dispertao!
-- and desperatly I die.
E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!
-- And never before I have loved so much!

Gli occhi ti chiuderò con mille baci
e mille ti dirò nomi d'amor.

-- And I will close your eyes with a thousand kisses and give you thousand names of love.

Dreaming of the future

Tosca finds Mario dead...


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